Are You Making these Common Mistakes?

Get to Know the Most Common Mistakes Made By Dragon Owners When Handling Their New Pet

Chinese water dragons are easy to handle once they get used to their new home. The only thing you should avoid is excessive handling. Although water dragons are obedient and friendly pets, they get stressed if you restrain them a great deal. The rule applies to both juvenile and mature dragons.

Reptiles especially water dragons are very sensitive to parasite and microbial infections. You should always wash your hands carefully before and after you handle your pet. It is better you use an antiseptic soap to wash your hands and prevent the infections from spreading. You need to extra careful if your pet is sick or injured.

Since your pet may suffer from parasite infections, it should not be handled by pregnant women, young kids and individuals who have a compromised immune system. You should always consult your doctor before buying and handling the exotic lizard if you or any member of your family has a weak immune system.

Accidents and injuries can happen even if you handle your pet in the right way. Your pet may bite you or scratch your skin with sharp claws. It is important that you don’t agitate your pet. If your pet wants to roam around in the enclosure and explore the area, you should allow it to do so. Chinese water dragon calm down nicely if you treat them well.

Your pet can sustain injuries if you have unprotected heat sources in the tank. Water dragons are smart lizards but are also very curious. These lizards are also very active and can injure themselves by landing on a hot bulb or escaping through the glass walls. All cuts, bruises and infections resulting from injuries should be treated promptly before they turn serious.

The last thing you like to own is a “tail less” water dragon. You should never hold or pull your pet with help of its tail. This can frighten or stress your pet making it more aggressive. Struggling lizard may even bite you if its tail gets injured or breaks off.

Whenever you hold your dragon in your hands, you should ensure that it does not turn upside down. Dragons lying flat on their backs for a long period of time can get suffocated. This can turn serious and you may not have enough time to save your pet.