Wild or Captive Chinese Water Dragons – Know Which One Makes a Good Pet

Chinese water dragons are one of the most popular exotic reptile pets if you have developed a passion for gorgeous green lizard with bright eyes. Now when you have decided to house a water dragon, which one should you get – wild or captive bred dragon?

Several pet stores that carry Chinese water dragons and many of these exotic lizards are caught from the wild. If you want a perfect pet which lives with you for long, you should always select dragons that are bred in captivity. This will ensure that your new companion will be healthier and stress free compared to one which is cruelly picked up from the wild.

Chinese water dragons are known to survive for as long as sixteen years if given good care. It is definitely a pleasure to see your bright green dragon run around the tank, but wild dragons are not so much fun. As with other reptile pets, water dragons also require proper care and maintenance. Unfortunately, water dragons which are caught directly from the wild habitat are very different to dragons that are selectively bred in captivity.

Housing a water dragon, may not be very exciting if you have a wild pet. Wild lizards generally, are under a great deal of stress, especially when they are exposed to a completely new habitat. Wild pets may refuse to eat when kept in a cage, and can even starve to death. If the pet feels threatened, it may give you an open mouthed stare and even attempt to bite. You may also receive a light tail whip if the dragon is not amused by your presence.

Choose Water Dragon - Captive Chinese Water DragonIt is also seen that wild Chinese water dragons are not very healthy as they suffer from parasite infections. This however does not mean dragons that are bred in captivity are immune to diseases. You should always check your pet dragon for health issues before you bring it home. Normally water dragons that are bred in captivity do well and are relatively trouble-free. They are less likely to be aggressive and can be tamed easily.

Captive dragons have fun if you mimic their enclosure to that of their natural habitat. Therefore, knowing whether your dragon is wild or captive is essential, if you like to have a good time with your new pet.